Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's a Girl Thing

     Proof that the braid existed!  It didn't stay in long, in fact, I don't think it lasted through Sacrament Meeting, but it was there.  I play with her hair any chance I get just to get her used to me touching it.  For now,  it's enough knowing she happily let me do it, with a bow and everything!


  1. That hair is so precious. So here are the directions if I remember right for getting something new on your sidebar;
    go to Design at the top of your page (mine is right by New Post after I sign in) then on that page there should be a list of things you can click on on the left side and you click on layout, then the next page you would click on Add a Gadget on your sidebar layout, it should pop up with some of the options you can choose from and I just choose Image, then it lets you add an image from the web or your own files and write some text and do a title. Hope that helps and can't wait to see what you do with it.

  2. So I got probably the closet thing I'll ever get to doing a girl's hair while Abby stayed with us this last week. I remember why I quite doing my own, brushing your hair is over rated, especially when it's stuck at funny angles and crispy with chlorine. What a precious little braid, but go ahead and keep that girly thing, besides if I really wanted I'm sure I could braid the little duck tail down the back of Abe's neck. Glad Jo could lend a hand, hope all is well with you and your fam.
