Tuesday, February 10, 2015

DIY Knitting Needles

As some of you may know Ben and I have been spending a lot of our evenings at rehearsals.  We're in a local production of Les Miserables and while it has taken up most of our spare time, it has given us the opportunity to meet so many new people.  It's also given me so much time to knit.  We're in the chorus, so there's lots of down time, which means I've been going through project after project, and it's gotten some attention.  So much attention, in fact, that I was asked to give a tutorial. several tutorials, in fact.

Knitting supplies can be expensive and I suggested that everyone bring their own needles.  Then, Ben and his little gang of French street urchins, asked to do knit too.  I added up all the needles I would need to supply and realized I needed a different option.

I was actually working on a YW lesson when I stumbled upon a link about making your own knitting needles.  You can check it out here.  It's the perfect solution vs. having to invest in some more expensive needles as a beginner.

Dowels and dowel caps purchased at Hobby Lobby for less than $5

I already had the sharpener.  You only need a few turns to sharpen them just right.

After a light sanding they were ready for a thin coat of wax.
You could use oil, but I just grabbed an old taper candle and started rubbing.

Knitting and purling, we clicked away to Jean Valjean's suffering. We practiced our lines and our stitches.  A successful rehearsal....and knitting lesson.


  1. I had no idea you and Ben were doing that. I wish we could come see the production so badly. Byrdie would love love to do something like that. I've thought a lot about it--even looking at the audition dates for some of the Terrace Playhouse shows. The problem is, I don't think I'd get in any of the shows and it wouldn't be the same if just Byrdie were in it. Great job doing that with Ben. What a great experience. And great job teaching all the cast members to knit!

    1. Go for it!! It has been a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to having my evenings back though...
