Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Farm Day in the City

We happened to catch the Ogden Farmer's Market on a special day this summer.  Farm Day in the City!!  I love that Ogden still has so much agriculture around it.  The farmers brought live stock and tractors and descended on downtown Ogden.  It was such a new experience for my three littles.

These baby calves were literally days old. One of them had only been born the night before. I was astounded that we were allowed to touch them.  It was pretty amazing.  I've never seen so many kids so quiet at the same time. They really got it, and they were so respectful of the sweet little ones.

Grandma inspired our visit.   I'm so glad she suggested it.

This photo (although blurry) is courtesy of Ben.  He couldn't get enough of this striped baby pig.

"I got this", he says...

A-man needed a boost, but was thrilled when he got to ride.  I think he would have stayed all day if we'd let him.

Finally Sadie got her turn.  I got to ride with her.  Our cowboy host even held her while I got on the horse.  I hadn't been on a horse for so long.  I'm glad our city eyes and ears and noses got a good dose of the country this summer, even if it was only for a few hours on a Saturday morning. Thank you Ogden, and Weber County Farm Bureau.  We thoroughly enjoyed our little taste of the country.

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