Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Confessions of a "Room Mom"

     This was my counter at 6:30 this morning when I got up to get ready for the day.  The rest of the house didn't look much better, if we're being honest, and that's what I wanted to do, be honest.  I have a love hate relationship with all things related to the PTA/PTO in elementary school.

     After a month of Ben being in school I realized I wasn't receiving the notices that other parents had been receiving.  When I asked about it I was told the announcements were being passed on to the parents via the "Room Parent".  When I asked the teacher who the room parent was she said she didn't have one.   That's when things got interesting.  I want to stay informed and if my job as room mom consisted only of forwarding school info I would volunteer every year.  Alas, it also means planning and carrying out class parties, field trips, and, worst of all, your name becomes known among the ladies of the Parent Teacher Organization...aka The Mother Ship.  Once they abduct you it's hard to escape.  The current president at our school has been on the PTO board for 5, yes 5 consecutive years.  (She claims there's no one willing to fill the position, but Dean and I wonder how much she secretly loves it.)

     It's not that I mind volunteering or even sacrificing my day for a party or two.  I just didn't realize that a "Box Tops Party" that's supposed to have six pizzas and bottled water was really just a ploy for what was turned into a Thanksgiving Holiday Extravaganza!
     My co-room mom is awesome and apparently an avid "Pinner" because these second graders were treated to a creative display of crafts and treats.  Maybe it's the lack of a Halloween party that caused the exaggeration. I'll just blame it on the Baptists.  Whatever it was,  we were able to start Thanksgiving break off with a party.

     Have any of you seen the trending article about all the "Epic Fails" on Pinterest, where they show the Pinterest version and then how it really turned out?  Well, I'm pleased to say our fruity gobbler turned out pretty well.  

 I made the muffins and when I arrived I found out they were being turned into turkeys, yeah!

What second graders are grateful for. In no particular order....
Good Teacher

An impromptu math lesson...

Half of the class had never had a roasted pumpkin seed.

     We left the pumpkin carcass for the class so they could watch it decompose...Another idea the co-room mom gleaned from pinterest.  It was hilarious watching the teacher's reluctant enthusiasm while the project was being explained to her.

And last, but not least, how second graders think a pumpkin pie is made.  

     I know my days as part of the PTO are just beginning and I have a long road ahead.  I guess I just prefer a "less is more" approach, which could work to my advantage.  (They won't ask me to volunteer for the crafty time consuming stuff if I consistently underwhelm them with my ideas) Right now, however, in these elementary school years, I'll give where and when I can as long as it benefits my kiddos in the end and not my ego.  I'm fortunate to be able to have time to be a room mom.  I know there are parents who would plan parties every day if they could but they are providing for their families. I get that and I respect it and my awesome hubby for making it possible for me to be home.  There might be some grumbling, and a good bit of eye-rolling after a particularly long (and fruitless) meeting, but  I'll willingly share the load, at least until it's fundraiser time... 

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