Friday, September 26, 2014


He gave his speech today. "Everything is AWESOME when you're on my team"  He even hammed it up with some LEGO jumping jacks.  My favorite part?  When I asked him to remind his teacher that he wanted to vote for himself because we'll be gone Monday when they vote and he said, "But, I want to vote for my friend.  Besides, it doesn't really matter who wins, all of the kids in my class would be great representatives"  Well said Ben, well said.

Joining Mamabyrd and Huntsville Gathering with my week's impressions.   Join us and post your own either here, or there.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

In the Garden

We picked our first cucumber today.  Weird, I know, this September-December gardening stuff, but it's something we could get used to.  The cucumber plant is really taking off.  Lot's of blossoms.  Ben planted spinach, lettuce, radishes, and chives (in Byrdie's honor).  I'm wishing I'd planted beans and beets, but this year was a bit experimental.

Just little rows, but they give such hope...

Our "summer" tomatoes are all but done.  Good thing our "autumn" tomatoes are blossoming.

Stay tuned for our progress in our Southern Garden.  I hope to be able to make you all jealous of fresh produce while we envy your crisp mornings and crunching leaves...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Banned Book Week

Our local library has been highlighting banned books this past week.  The boys saw the display last week and were asking about it, so we looked into some of the activities offered.  We went to a banned book story time and listened to Green Eggs and Ham, Where the Wild Things Are, and Streganona, all of which were banned at some point.  We also made tote bags to let everyone know we weren't afraid of checking out a banned book or two.

I was actually really surprised at the banned titles on display.  They were so recent. I guess I'm naive and thought banning books was something that used to be done. All ten of these fairly recent publications have been challenged and "removed from shelves" in past years.

Ben and Alan choosing their tote bag design...

They couldn't figure out why it needed to be backwards...

We learned some ironing skills too.

"Don't join the book burners. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book" - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ben was inspired to get his own card.

I asked if books had ever been banned in Dothan.  The librarian informed me there was a fuss over Harry Potter and someone petitioned for the movie "Rango" to be removed from the children's section because they heartily disliked Johnny Depp, but their policy is usually if you don't want to read it, you don't have to, but it will stay on the shelf.  I like that policy.

Thanks, Houston County Library, for introducing two new readers to banned books.  They can't wait to read them all.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sadie's Sweater

On August 20th I was on the phone for a LONG time.  It was the first day to call and schedule living ordinance appointments in the new Ogden Temple.  I anticipated a wait time, but what I didn't anticipate was the number of times I would need to call back to even get put on hold.  I looked at my phone after it was all said and done and realized I had made a call at least every 15 minutes from 8a.m. to 12p.m.  Then, when I was finally put on hold, I spent 90 minutes on the phone listening to a repeating track of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's greatest hits.  I never thought I'd say this, but I don't want to hear the MoTab sing "For the Beauty of the Earth" for a long time.

The volunteer who answered the phone was so confused when I explained I would need to schedule a sealing for our family. When she finally figured out that Dean and I were already married, no, it wasn't a second marriage, yes, Ben was already sealed to us, no, Sadie and Alan were not deceased, no, Dean hadn't been sealed to another woman, no, I was not the Mother of the Bride...etc, etc, I had spent a LONG time on the phone.  Apparently we were the first call that wasn't scheduling a wedding. 

But, one long phone call later, we were booked. December 27, 2014. Scheduled to become a forever family.  Just like that.  Almost two years to the day that we brought Alan and Sadie home with us.  As I've mentioned in previous posts we chose Ogden so our extended family could be with us and so our children could feel like Ogden was "their" temple. It feels good.  I've also enjoyed having the extra months to prepare the boys a little but more for what will be happening to our family, and - to knit.  

Sadie's dress needed a sweater.  I used a pattern I had seen a dear friend use.  School's out, found on Ravelry.  I love the subtle detailing.  I know it will keep her warm and be a special heirloom for her to look back on and remember how little she was when she was sealed to our family.  

I had grand plans for white sweater vests for the boys. It might still happen, I've got a few months left, but for now I'm content knowing Sadie's shoulders will be warm with my stitches.

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude and love at the thought of gathering with my littles and my Love at the temple in a few short months.  It's totally cliche and a little cheesy, but our hearts will be knit together just like Sadie's sweater.  Yup, I said it.  We can't wait!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Projects... they lure you in with their finished Pinterest tutorials, but then you run out of steam, and in my case, bricks.

Joining Mamabyrd and others in their Friday Impressions.  Join us with your own impressions here or there.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Story Time

Every Wednesday Sadie and I try to make it to Story Time at the local library.  It's a good time for her to interact with other littles and a good time for me to knit and just watch her explore and play.

Sigh, this is what Sadie likes to do while all the other good little boys and girls sit and listen...

(side note: everyone, and I mean everyone, stops and glares at me when they hear the first stack of books hit the ground.  What do they want me to do?  If I try and make her sit and listen she just throws a fit, and if I don't keep bringing her she'll never learn how to sit and listen, right.  She knows to come in and sit, but that lasts a total of three minutes.  Moms, your thoughts?  It's not like I don't know we have to clean it up.)

We tried leaving last week without her stamp (ahem, because she was destroying bookcases) and she threw an even bigger fit.  I told her she couldn't have her stamp until she picked up her mess.  This week she destroyed the bookcase, but then picked up the books and went to ask for her stamp.  Progress is progress, right?

This is why we really come to library time.  They only take the trains out after story time.  Every other time we've come they've been put away.  The trains at home don't interest her, but here, with her "friends", she can't get enough.

I miss Weber County Library, mostly for the "Amazing Carlos" and his storytelling capabilities, but also because they've mastered the art of keeping even little children entertained for 20 minutes.  The storyteller here is young, and she tries hard, but maybe it's an opportunity for me to get involved when Sadie and I aren't joined at the hip all day... a thought, anyway.  Now if they could just figure out how to do story time in an area without those tempting bookcases.  They're just begging to be rearranged...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Flat Sheet to Fitted..

Just like most other things in my life this impromptu project was born out of sheer necessity.  You see, I suffer from the bad habit of doing laundry and then forgetting it in the washer.  It's usually ok, except for those rare moments when you need that specific pair of soccer shorts or, ahem, sheets.  Yes, I know it's ridiculous to have only one set of sheets for young boys.  It wasn't always this way.  I have a closet full of twin size sheets, but when we switched to bunk beds I realized those sheets kind of need to match the duvets, so I've resorted to using a solid red and orange sheet because they blend well and we already had them.  I've told myself a thousand and one times that we need more sets, but when push comes to shove I have a hard time shelling out money for
A. scratchy big box store sheets, or
B. pricey sheet sets because the boys don't use a top sheet so I feel like it's a total waste of money.

I stumbled upon a set of new sheets from Target (I'll buy the scratchy big box store sheets if they're only $2) at the Salvation Army.  The stripes grabbed my eye and I thought, "man, they're perfect,  I really wish there was another set."  I put them in my cart anyway and while I was shopping an idea began to form.  I wonder if  you can turn a flat sheet into a fitted sheet?  Turns out the internet if full if tutorials on how to do just that.  I now have so many possibilities in my linen closet.  At least five sheet sets that can be made into matching fitted sheets so my boys never have to sleep on their mattress protectors again.

Here's my sloppy tutorial, although once you cut the initial square it's not hard to figure out.

This square turned out to be a little big and the sheet fit a little tight because of it.  I don't mind, but if you actually measure you will probably be more pleased with your results.

Serge/sew right sides together to make your corner pocket

Make a casing for the elastic and stretch it as you sew.  (I forgot to take a picture of this, so this photo shows the finished casing.)

(I feel like this shouldn't have taken me this long to figure out.) What tricky house problems have you solved lately?

Matching success!!!  Alan was thrilled and kept telling me he loved his "new bed"  I think they were just shocked to see what they looked like made.  It's been a while.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Temple Square, SLC

 We were heading to SLC for the Harry Potter fun run and we decided to make the most of it and visit Temple Square.  It made for a long day, but I think it was worth it.  We can't just hop in the car on a whim anymore, so every time we're out to visit, I know we'll be making a special trip to this special place.

Excuse our apparel.  Ben REALLY wanted this picture.

Practicing for when it's her turn.  The sisters couldn't get enough of Sadie.

The children's museum.  I've heard rumors the Church plans on using property next to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden for another one of these.  At first I thought, "no, we already have a great children's museum in Ogden,"  but after visiting, I believe there is room for two.  They've really improved the exhibits since I was a kid.  My three didn't want to leave.

Pretending to be Nephi...

Those spires are inspiring.  We can't wait to go back.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Soccer Mom (& Dad)

Have I mentioned they like sports down here?  We got a taste of it during baseball season.  Two games a week per child, times two boys, equals a lot of ball playing and we've jumped right back into it with soccer season.  Most Tuesdays and Thursdays we have a double header.  You'll find us rushing back and forth in the Westgate Soccer complex trying to make it to each game.

It's especially hilarious when both games are scheduled at the same time.  Poor Sadie doesn't know whether we're coming or going.  As soon as she settles into her chair and gets her crackers and cup arranged just how she likes it I'm packing up to rush off to watch half of the other game.

Ben's team are the Chargers.  Here he is throwing in the ball.  They've won all their games so far and his coach is wonderful.  While other teams are playing set positions so they can win, Ben's coach rotates each player every quarter.  Ben's played every position but he likes mid-fielder best.

Alan is on team Fusion.   The six year olds play what we like to call "magnet ball"  they all clump around the ball and follow it in a swarm.  My favorite part of soccer has been meeting some hispanic, Spanish speaking families.  Alan has brought back a little of his Espanol now that he thinks it's cool to speak a secret language to his friend Daniel.

Their favorite part of soccer?  the Sonic run we make after their games.  No, Alan didn't spill his.  That is sweat, my friends.  That's what happens when it's still 90* at 7:30 p.m.  It's silly but I associate soccer with sweater weather, and it's definitely not sweater weather here.  But sweat and all, soccer is a sport both of them are enjoying, and surprisingly excelling at.  It seems the concept has finally clicked for Ben, and Alan, well, we think it's in his DNA.


Friday, September 12, 2014


We started out watching a movie.  I asked him to pause it for a minute.   When I came back I found him wearing his giant cheese.  "I thought you would be gone longer",  he says.

Joining Mamabyrd and A Huntsville Gathering in their weekly Impressions.  Join us here or there...